- If you haven't already, install the Android NDK (http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html)
- In the Phoenix root directory you should notice the folder named "jni".
- Open Command Prompt/Terminal and cd into this directory.
- Run ndk-build within this directory (just type "ndk-build" and hit Enter) and wait for everything to finish building.
- All built libraries should now reside within the "libs" directory.
- Continue to the next section of this document.
How to import the project into Eclipse and build the front-end:
- Install the Android ADT plugin for Eclipse if you haven't. (http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html)
- In Eclipse, do: File->Import->Existing Android Code Into Workspace.
- Browse to the location of the folder named "phoenix" in the RetroArch repository and select it as the root dir. (as of writing, it is /android/phoenix).
- You should see two projects have been found, "RetroArch" and "android-support-v7-appcompat". Import both of these.
- Let Eclipse finish building the workspace, or whatever.
- You should now be able to build it normally like any application.
Where do I place the built libretro cores?
Simply place all built libretro cores within the directory [phoenix root]/assets/cores. Create this directory if it doesn't exist already. After placing your cores there, they should show up within the core selection screen of the front-end.
Where do I place overlays, shaders and core info files?
Core info files go in [phoenix root]/assets/info, GLSL shaders go in [phoenix root]/assets/shaders_glsl and overlays go in [phoenix root]/assets/overlays. If the folders don't exist, create them first.
- If you’re running into an issue where adding an existing Android project results in “Invalid project description”, please select a workspace location that doesn’t contain the Android projects.
- If Eclipse still complains about missing appcompat, right-click on RetroArch->Properties->Android->Library->Add “android-support-v7-appcompat”, and then remove the old appcompat reference.