Public Attributes | List of all members
menu_animation_ctx_entry Struct Reference

#include <menu_animation.h>

Collaboration diagram for menu_animation_ctx_entry:

Public Attributes

enum menu_animation_easing_type easing_enum
uintptr_t tag
float duration
float target_value
float * subject
tween_cb cb

Member Data Documentation

◆ cb

tween_cb menu_animation_ctx_entry::cb

◆ duration

float menu_animation_ctx_entry::duration

◆ easing_enum

enum menu_animation_easing_type menu_animation_ctx_entry::easing_enum

◆ subject

float* menu_animation_ctx_entry::subject

◆ tag

uintptr_t menu_animation_ctx_entry::tag

◆ target_value

float menu_animation_ctx_entry::target_value

◆ userdata

void* menu_animation_ctx_entry::userdata

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: